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Equipo produción aCentral Folque

O equipo de produción estábel deseña, organiza e produce todos os proxectos relacionados co Centro Galego de Música Popular tanto en Santiago coma noutras localizacións.

Oficinas administrativas en Rúa Salvadas 22, baixo. 15705 Santiago de Compostela.

Durante o proceso de matrícula, o horario de apertura ao público será de 10 h a 18 h.

Dirección artística

Dirección executiva



Recursos externos



Soporte Web

Deseño gráfico

Asesoramento pedagóxico


de esquerda a dereita:

Trini, Ramon, Cris, Rosa, Mauro, Ugia


1. Christian Berg - 21 de Setembro, 2008

Hi! I’m an german student who want to study galician folk music. I only play a little bit of piano… Can I study in your music school without any knowleges in galician ancient music?

Otherwise, I must say I like Ugia’s music. In Germany we like so much your record: Ti serés o meu pecado, great music. Congratulations Ugia for your new record: Eterno navegar…

2. Folque - 22 de Setembro, 2008

Hi Christian,

It’s important to know some music to get in the school but more importatn is to have natural skills and interest to learn.

There are four levels and subjects of instruments -traditional percusion, bagpipe, flute, button accordion, hurdy-gurdy (drehleier) – history of popular galician music (just one course of one year) and solfa (four years).

The lessons are in Galician language, so you would need to, at least, understand it.

And there is a exam to entry.
The oficial dates are from 15 September to the 1 de October you have to apply to get the inscription. The 3-4 October, the entry exams and the 11 the starting of the academical year (until June).

Lessons are once a week on saturdays from October to June.
We organize short course along the year too.
You need your own instrument.

For further information, email us at info@folque.com as it seems your email doesn’t work for us to write you directly.


aCentral Folque.

PS: by the way, Ugia Pedreira is not the same person as Uxia (Senlle), another artist  who just released “Eterno Navegar”.

3. tere - 17 de Xaneiro, 2009

Parabéns para o entusiasmo de todo ese equipo que fai que bote andar agora en Santiago (ou en calquera sitio do noso país ) e DESEXOS de que ainda que o camiño sexa longo e complicado o apoio dos alumnos, do público, e das institucións do país fagan posible este proxecto e nova andadura do noso folque